BLASTX 2.0.8 [Jan-05-1999]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= 11VII-14R
         (568 letters)

Database: Non-redundant GenBank CDS
           368,476 sequences; 112,640,273 total letters


                                                                   Score     E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                        (bits)  Value

gi|2394423 (AF024492) No definition line found [Caenorhabditis e...    35  0.36
gi|2394424 (AF024492) No definition line found [Caenorhabditis e...    35  0.47
gi|1401206 (U58510) pre-mRNA splicing factor PRP 6 homolog [Chlo...    34  0.80
gi|3900917|emb|CAA07301| (AJ006877) RepA2 protein [Buchnera aphi...    33  1.8
gi|2262222 (U96636) E6-AP ubiquitin protein ligase [Mus musculus]      31  7.0
gi|627427|pir||A38920 E6-associated protein - human (fragment) >...    31  7.0
gi|140550|sp|P09975|YCF2_MARPO HYPOTHETICAL 259 KD PROTEIN (ORF ...    31  7.0
gi|631383|pir||S40465 sperm protein PH-20 - human >gi|459387|bbs...    31  7.0
gi|585673|sp|P38567|HYA1_HUMAN HYALURONIDASE PRECURSOR (SPERM SU...    31  7.0
gi|3421153|emb|CAA04535| (AJ001108) E6-AP ubiquitin-protein liga...    31  7.0
gi|4033780|sp|Q05086|UE3A_HUMAN UBIQUITIN-PROTEIN LIGASE E3A (ON...    31  7.0
gi|1843535 (U82122) E6-AP ubiquitin-protein ligase [Mus musculus]      31  7.0
gi|1872514 (U84404) E6-associated protein E6-AP/ubiquitin-protei...    31  7.0
gi|3978458 (AF082835) E6-AP ubiquitin protein ligase [Mus spretus]     31  7.0
gi|1550713|emb|CAB02326| (Z80225) hypothetical protein Rv2672 [M...    31  9.1

>gi|2394423 (AF024492) No definition line found [Caenorhabditis elegans] Length = 848 Score = 35.2 bits (79), Expect = 0.36 Identities = 27/81 (33%), Positives = 41/81 (50%), Gaps = 8/81 (9%) Query: 137 IKDRFNFQKRYIKETIMIKTNVIDRLELISLMRNSQVFFDYLV--------DLGILKNFE 292 ++D F + R + I ++ D LEL+S + Y+ DLG + NFE Sbjct: 508 VRDEFYRELRARRFPIDLQIKCADELELLSSFIPLPIVNLYIRLASESIYRDLGKIGNFE 567 Query: 293 KCSKCKKVLXLMINEDIYKWLWKCPNSRC 379 KC KCK V ++ +E + K K N C Sbjct: 568 KCPKCKSV--VLFDEIVEKNEKKTQNRSC 594
>gi|2394424 (AF024492) No definition line found [Caenorhabditis elegans] Length = 918 Score = 34.8 bits (78), Expect = 0.47 Identities = 22/61 (36%), Positives = 33/61 (54%), Gaps = 8/61 (13%) Query: 137 IKDRFNFQKRYIKETIMIKTNVIDRLELISLMRNSQVFFDYL--------VDLGILKNFE 292 +KD F + R + I ++ +D LEL+S + Y+ DLG L +FE Sbjct: 575 LKDEFYREFRARRLPIDLQIKAVDELELLSTFIPLPIVNLYIRMVSETTYQDLGALGSFE 634 Query: 293 KCSKCKKVL 319 KC KCK + Sbjct: 635 KCPKCKSAV 643
>gi|1401206 (U58510) pre-mRNA splicing factor PRP 6 homolog [Chlorarachnion CCMP621] Length = 686 Score = 34.0 bits (76), Expect = 0.80 Identities = 29/77 (37%), Positives = 39/77 (49%), Gaps = 1/77 (1%) Query: 212 LELISLMRNSQVF-FDYLVDLGILKNFEKCSKCKKVLXLMINEDIYKWLWKCPNSRCTNT 388 L + SL R Q F +L L I KN K +KC M++ I K L KCP+S Sbjct: 511 LIIASLKRRYQSLEFLWLYYLAIFKN--KFNKC-----FMLSHLITKALKKCPSSTLLWM 563 Query: 389 HFLLEKKSFFYGLKTFLS 442 FL +K+FF + FL+ Sbjct: 564 EFLSHRKNFFEKVTLFLA 581
>gi|3900917|emb|CAA07301| (AJ006877) RepA2 protein [Buchnera aphidicola] Length = 251 Score = 32.8 bits (73), Expect = 1.8 Identities = 22/83 (26%), Positives = 45/83 (53%), Gaps = 7/83 (8%) Query: 221 ISLMRNSQVFFDYLVDLGILKNFEKCSKCKKVLXLMINEDIYKWLWKCPN-------SRC 379 IS+ R S++ +++ +G++K CKK+ ++IN +I+K ++ P S+ Sbjct: 113 ISITRASRLISEFMEPMGLIK-------CKKIKNVLINNNIHKKIFLTPMFFMLLNISQS 165 Query: 380 TNTHFLLEKKSFFYGLKTFLSKIFLIIYDI 469 T + + +K F KIF+ + +I Sbjct: 166 TINYHIYKKIRLFKNSNMKEKKIFISLEEI 195
>gi|2262222 (U96636) E6-AP ubiquitin protein ligase [Mus musculus] Length = 869 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 450 NDVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKGSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 490
>gi|627427|pir||A38920 E6-associated protein - human (fragment) >gi|178745 (L07557) oncogenic protein-associated protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 874 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 454 NEVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKFSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 494
>gi|140550|sp|P09975|YCF2_MARPO HYPOTHETICAL 259 KD PROTEIN (ORF 2136) >gi|81341|pir||A05037 hypothetical protein 2136 - liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) chloroplast >gi|11665|emb|CAA28078| (X04465) ORF2136 [Marchantia polymorpha] Length = 2136 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 34/108 (31%), Positives = 53/108 (48%), Gaps = 8/108 (7%) Query: 122 LLY*WIKDRFNFQK-RYIKETIMIKTNVIDRLEL--ISLMRNSQVFFDYLVDLGILKNFE 292 LL ++KD+ NF IK I K N+ + +L + L++NS FFD + + LK E Sbjct: 915 LLKIFLKDKRNFLLINEIKSFIEKKNNLFIKSQLSNVLLVKNSYKFFDNIFNFHFLKQKE 974 Query: 293 KCSKCKKVLXLMINEDIY--KWLWK---CPNSRCTNTHFLLEKKSFFYGLKTFLSK 445 K + +++N Y K L K N N++ K F + L L+K Sbjct: 975 ------KNIEIILNNQNYFEKSLLKKTYLKNLNLNNSYSKFSYKIFIFQLLNILNK 1024
>gi|631383|pir||S40465 sperm protein PH-20 - human >gi|459387|bbs|141772 (S67798) PH-20 [human, testis, Peptide, 509 aa] [Homo sapiens] Length = 509 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 16/52 (30%), Positives = 30/52 (56%) Query: 308 YI*NIFQNFLKYRDLPNSQKKLASFSSTRLILTCR*HSFLS*WSLLYTFFES 153 Y+ N + ++ +P+++ L F+ TR++ T + FLS L+YTF E+ Sbjct: 277 YVRNRVREAIRVSKIPDAKSPLPVFAYTRIVFTDQVLKFLSQDELVYTFGET 328
>gi|585673|sp|P38567|HYA1_HUMAN HYALURONIDASE PRECURSOR (SPERM SURFACE PROTEIN PH-20) (SPERM ADHESION MOLECULE 1) >gi|542972|pir||A48795 sperm surface protein PH-20 - human >gi|1480101|emb|CAA59086| (X84347) sperm adhesion molecule gene SPAM1 [Homo sapiens] >gi|3135288 (AC004690) sperm adhesion molecule 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 509 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 16/52 (30%), Positives = 30/52 (56%) Query: 308 YI*NIFQNFLKYRDLPNSQKKLASFSSTRLILTCR*HSFLS*WSLLYTFFES 153 Y+ N + ++ +P+++ L F+ TR++ T + FLS L+YTF E+ Sbjct: 277 YVRNRVREAIRVSKIPDAKSPLPVFAYTRIVFTDQVLKFLSQDELVYTFGET 328
>gi|3421153|emb|CAA04535| (AJ001108) E6-AP ubiquitin-protein ligase [Homo sapiens] Length = 415 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 331 NEVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKFSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 371
>gi|4033780|sp|Q05086|UE3A_HUMAN UBIQUITIN-PROTEIN LIGASE E3A (ONCOGENIC PROTEIN-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN E6-AP) >gi|1495430|emb|CAA66655| (X98032) isoform I [Homo sapiens] >gi|1495432|emb|CAA66654| (X98031) isoform II [Homo sapiens] >gi|1495434|emb|CAA66656| (X98033) isoform III [Homo sapiens] >gi|1495436|emb|CAA66653| (X98021) E6-AP [Homo sapiens] >gi|4507799|ref|NP_000453.1|pUBE3A| ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (human papilloma virus E6-associated protein) Length = 852 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 432 NEVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKFSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 472
>gi|1843535 (U82122) E6-AP ubiquitin-protein ligase [Mus musculus] Length = 849 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 429 NDVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKFSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 469
>gi|1872514 (U84404) E6-associated protein E6-AP/ubiquitin-protein ligase [Homo sapiens] >gi|2361031 (AF016708) E6-AP ubiquitin-protein ligase [Homo sapiens] Length = 852 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 432 NEVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKFSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 472
>gi|3978458 (AF082835) E6-AP ubiquitin protein ligase [Mus spretus] Length = 849 Score = 30.9 bits (68), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 21/41 (50%) Query: 318 NTFLHLEHFSKFFKIPRSTK*SKKTCEFLINEINSNLSMTF 196 N L ++ FFK+ K S TC F++N + NL + + Sbjct: 429 NDVLEMDKDYTFFKVETENKFSFMTCPFILNAVTKNLGLYY 469
>gi|1550713|emb|CAB02326| (Z80225) hypothetical protein Rv2672 [Mycobacterium tuberculosis] Length = 528 Score = 30.5 bits (67), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 13/41 (31%), Positives = 24/41 (57%) Query: 124 IVLMDKRSF*LSKKVYKRDHYDKNECHRQVRINLVDEKLAS 246 IV +D+R +S + RDH+D++E Q + D+ +A+ Sbjct: 163 IVAVDRRGMGMSSPIDCRDHFDRDEMRDQAQFQAGDDPVAN 203 Database: Non-redundant GenBank CDS translations+PDB+SwissProt+SPupdate+PIR Posted date: Apr 12, 1999 12:54 PM Number of letters in database: 112,640,273 Number of sequences in database: 368,476 Lambda K H 0.318 0.135 0.00 Gapped Lambda K H 0.270 0.0470 4.94e-324 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 83253811 Number of Sequences: 368476 Number of extensions: 1397780 Number of successful extensions: 3436 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 30 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 11 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 4 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 3423 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 16 length of query: 189 length of database: 112640273 effective HSP length: 53 effective length of query: 135 effective length of database: 93111045 effective search space: 12569991075 effective search space used: 12569991075 frameshift window, decay const: 50, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.8 bits) X3: 64 (24.9 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits) S2: 67 (30.5 bits)